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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Interesting children's book.

Do you ever see a book cover or title that just jumps out at you?

Here is one that jumped out at me.

Photo taken at 2010 W.Va. Book Fair.

My nephew calls me “Uncle Cookie” or sometimes just “cookie” because he knows I love cookies. I’m also guilty for sneaking him pieces of a giant Great American Cookie around birthdays and holidays. Once his mother asked, “who gave you that?” This was after she must have said he wasn’t allowed any more of the giant cookie. His response was, “cookie gave it to me.”

I did a quick Amazon search and found many more fun children books like:
I have a nephew who’ll be 4-years-old in February. I give him one children’s book every month to help him learn to love reading. I think I may start giving these books to him.

If you give a cat a cupcake.
If you take a mouse to the movies.
If you take a mouse to school.
If you give a pig a pancake.

Here are the Amazon link so you can check them out, too:

If you’ve not done so already, please check out my book for children. It helps them to build character.

Reading Education Assistance Dogs (READ)

Have you heard of Reading Education Assistance Dogs (R.E.A.D.)?

I had the privilege to meet Bailey at the 2010 West Virginia Book Festival in Charleston, W.Va.
Bailey is a Registered Therapy Dog.

I’m a Recreational Therapist (as you probably already know). Naturally, I’ve seen and worked with Therapy dogs in a variety of hospitals, nursing homes and treatment centers.
Bailey is a little different. This dog visits schools and libraries.

Children read to Bailey. As you already know, dogs offer unconditional acceptance of people. They don’t care if you’re tall or small or if you’re from Asia, Africa, or South America. They generally accept all people.

Some children have anxiety when reading aloud. I [Danny Pettry II] am a good example of this. I knew in 1st-grade that there were two reading groups. One group had the majority of children who could read well. The other group had children who struggled. We had simpler books. I felt stereotyped as being in the “dumb” group. I also had an extra reading assistance course during several of my elementary school years. I was excused from science class to go to this reading course. I wish we would have had a dog like Bailey in this class. I think I would have personally enjoyed reading to a dog in elem. school. I would have probably tried a lot harder. I imagine the dog wouldn’t laugh when I would read aloud words like “gum” when it actually read “gym.”

Bailey is owned by Jim Wilmoth. (West Virginia area). Teachers and people with children may be interested in sending him a quick email to learn about Bailey and what he can do for children.

Jim’s email is:
jimsdoghouse (at)

Notice the “@” sign has been replaced with “at” to prevent automated searches from spamming his email address.

You may also be interested in the Intermountain Therapy Animals:

You may also be interested in my children’s book.

It features pictures of cute animals (mostly dogs, but some kittens). It is read like a children’s book, but is like a Trojan horse. It is a lesson book in disguise. Parents, teachers, and people who work with children can find this book to be a useful way to teach character lessons to children, including: being generous, accepting of others, responsible, considerate, respectful and more.

Read more about this book at the Amazon link below:

I’ve already decided that Volume II of Building Character with the Help from Animals will benefit R.E.A.D. if they’ll accept a donation (which I feel certain they will).
I’d like to donate $1,000 worth of copies of Volume II for R.E.A.D. to give away to children.

I may just give the first $1,000 profits to this organization.
I’ll keep you posted as soon as I contact and hear back from them.

Building Character got 5 out of 5 Stars!

Readers Favorite Book Reviews and Awards gave "Building Character with Sam, Izzy, & Many Other Dogs 5 out of 5 Stars!

They had also written a very positive review for the book.
Read it here:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Fun Children's Book -- Teaches About Stereotypes.

The therapeutic use of books and stories (also known as Bibliotherapy) is one of the techniques I use to help children as a Recreational Therapist.

I provide services for children who in general are physically and verbally aggressive. Many of them lack self-esteem and social skills.

I’m always on the look-out for books and resources that could help these children to grow and develop.

Catherine Sokol

I met an interesting children’s author (Catherine Sokol - picture above) who is the author of an amazingly fun book (Hillbilly) at the West Virginia Book Festival in Charleston, West Virginia.

I believe this wonderful children’s book is more than a fun book. It is an awesome opportunity to teach children about stereotypes and how name-calling does hurt. Parents, teachers, and children’s therapists could use this book to help their children to understand stereotypes.
Catherine has a degree in Elementary Education from Fairmont State (Fairmont, West Virginia). She also has a Master’s degree in Psychology and is working towards a Ph.D. in Education.

Her husband is the illustrator for her book.
I admire how Catherine enjoys reading and writing and how she has created a fun picture book for children that focuses on an important issue: stereotypes.
You can get her book at her web-site here:

Danny Pettry

Also, if you’ve not done so already, be sure to check out my children’s book that helps teach children Character Traits, including: patience, kindness, responsibility, acceptance, and more. It uses pictures of cute animals to teach these lessons. Here is an example. A dog that teaches about listening skills has a picture of his ear raised. The dogs that teach about acceptance are two dogs who are best friends despite their differences. Sam is an English Bulldog and her best friend Izzy is a Chihuahua.

Go here to get it:

Benefit for owning a Cat.

My friend Jessica shared an interesting link on her facebook page today.

It shared 17 Health Benefits for Owning a Cat.

I thought many of my Recreational Therapist followers may be interested in this article.

Several Recreational Therapists uses animal-assisted therapy or pet therapy programs for the treatment of their patients.

Here is the link for you to view on the benfits:

Also -- if you've not done so already -- check out my book that teaches character values to children. It uses pictures of cute animals. Here is an example. The dog that teaches listening has a picture of his ear up.

Go here now:

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Cute Pet Contest!

This is a FREE contest.

Deadline is Jan. 31, 2011.

Winners will have their pet picture featured in an upcoming Vol. 2 of a popular children’s book.

You'll be also entered in a chance to win $100.

This a ramdon drawing. Each picture you submit is worth one entry. You can submit as many photos as you wish. You can send more than one picture in each email. Send more than one email if you have a lot of photos (if attachments may be too big for one email).

Email your pet pictures to:


Please include:

  • your pet's name
  • your name, and
  • home or work address.
  • Only send pictures that you've taken.

I’d have to send you a release of photography form to use your picture in the book.

Your friend,

Here is the first picture submitted from my good friend Jen F. from Morgantown, W.Va.

Here is a link to


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A praying dog?

Is this dog really praying?
Watch the video.

Have you heard all the ways that the book "Building Character with Sam, Izzy, & Many Other Dogs" can help children? This book features picture of cute dogs (and cats) with messages on character traits like being patient, kind, and generous.

Get this book for a child who you care about today. Go here:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Are you a winner?

Erica from Charleson, West Virginia won a copy of "Building Character with Sam, Izzy, & Many Other Dogs." She was one of 47 people who had completed a contest entry form at my booth during the West Virginia Book Fair at the Charleston Civic Center.

Erica will get her book in the mail in the next few days.

The other 46 applicants will receive a flyer in the mail with more info. about the book. As always -- their names and contact information won't be shared with any un-authorized third parties.

Want more information about this book? Go here:

Saturday, October 16, 2010

2010 West Virginia Book Festival.

I took my children's book to the 2010 West Virginia Book Festival. I am very pleased with the number of copies sold! Many people said they had plans to buy it on soon.
Here is a copy of the book at my stand.

We handed out some of the Limited Edition Collector Cards that go along with the book. I had also given away about 150 trick-or-treat bags to children with candy, collector cards, and other fun stuff.

Here is my booth/ stand area. See my coffee on the table?

My sister Carrie [to the left]. She is Izzy's owner. My mother [in the middle] holding a copy of my children's book. and me [on the right].

Here is a link for the book on Amazon. Get your copy today:

Here is a poster that I created.

Here is Baley. He is a therapy dog. This dog knows several Recreational Therapists in West Virginia. Why was this dog at the book fair? Well, children read to him at libraries.

Baley lying on the floor. This dog is so calm.

Kaitlyn Brannin and her mother Sandy. Kaitlyn is in elem. school and she the author of the novel Arteo and her new book, A Return to Arteo.I was very inspired by her. I can't believe she is published and so young. I purchased both of her books. It is a children's fantasy story.

Here is a link for both of her books:

Yes, the Dr. was there.
Of course I had to take a picture of a dog. A girl started talking to me at the end of the book fair. She said I had taken her picture and I replied, "I don't think so." She was wearing this costume.

Kanawaha County, W.Va. Bookmobile in the Charleston Civic Center.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Do something good & get a FREE Cookie

I love October.

It is national cookie month. in case you don't know I love cookies. My newphew Gage calls me unclue cookie. (please laugh aloud now).

Oct. is also national book month.

The Great American Cookie Company is doing something wonderful...

During October, you can receive a FREE Cookie of Your Choice by donating a new or gently read book at your local Great American Cookies store.

All books collected at each store will be offered as a donation to a local branch of the public library or a local charity.

Go and order two copies of my book right now. Keep one for yourself. Give the second copy to your local Great American Cookie Co.

Here is the link:

your friend,


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Teaching Acceptance

I read a very interesting article on CNN today.

There is a summit that brings students together from different backgrounds.

It is called Power of Prejudice or just [POP].

They teach children about racism, bullying, and prejudice.

I am a big fan of acceptance of others. As you probably already know, the first chapter in my children's book, Building Character is on acceptance.

There were some very positive outcomes from the summit.

You can read the full article here:

You can read sample pages of my children's book on building character at this page:

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

More Children's Books

I often quote my favorite motivational speaker the late Jim Rohn.

He said, "the book you don't read won't help you."

I'd like to add that the book you don't read to your child won't help her (or him).

Today, I'd like to let you know about an amazing blog that I discovered.

It is called Read Aloud Dad. The father carefully picks children's books to read to his twins. He reviews them at his blog.

His blog is bright, colorful, easy to read, interesting, and full of wonderful book recommendations for children.

I've worked as a recreational therapist for children for the last 8-years. I often look for children's books that can be used for a therapeutic purpose in treatment. I think this new blog is going to be very beneficial for me as a rec therapist.

And I think it could be very benficial for any parent or teacher.

Here is the link:

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

To Pet Owners: We Want Pictures...

Dear Pet Owner...

Contest --

We're looking for cute pet pictures.

Please email pictures of your pet (that you've taken) to me at:

I'll post your pet pictures at this blog or a flickr photo sharing account.

We'll have people vote on them. Maybe we'll make a collage of cute pets for a poster.
I'm not sure what we'll do with them yet. -- just email them.

And Be Sure To Write a Short Blurb About Your Pet Too.


Chaser is 1-year-old Italian Greyhound. She likes to run and she is very fast. We had to "chase her" so much that we decided to call her Chaser.

Please tell other people about this contest. Use these share buttons below to share on facebook, twitter, and myspace:

Cute Pet Picture Contest.
Email your pictures today.
Get your pet picture posted at this blog!