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Saturday, May 14, 2011

Toby makes Marley look like Mother Theresa

As you probably already know, I’m a big-time animal lover.

My children’s book, Building Character with Sam and Izzy featured many cute dogs (and a few cats, too).

Today, I want to tell you about a new book about a dog named Toby!

Toby makes Marley look like Mother Theresa.

This furry friend was a hellion on 4 paws. The stories are incredible of what he did, and what he destroyed.

But Toby has a secret.

He has a gift.

But you must read the book to discover the secret!

All I can say without giving away too much is that Toby has a great message to share, and if you love to read, especially about heartwarming stories, then you better order a copy of this book right away.

Not only is this book great… Hollywood sat up, took notice, and is making a movie of Toby’s life!

I can’t wait for this movie!

You can watch the book trialer here:

This is the ultimate book for readers, dog lovers and children.

It is heartwarming.
It will change your perception of ‘troublesome’ dogs.
It will show you hope where things seemed lost.

Pick up a copy (or two) today

Here are a few more books that feature dogs that you might want to consider:

This Book Might Save Your Child's Life.

Do You Know How to Protect your Children from Cyber Crimes?

Has your child ever been the victim of cyberbullying?

If not, the odds are pretty high that one day he or she will be.

The sad fact is 50% of teens admit to being bullied online or by text message.

Did you know that 71% of teens receive messages from STRANGERS online?

(Often from adults posing as children.)

Important Question: Do you want to know how to PROTECT your kids from the potential hazards of the internet and cell phones?

Of course you do.

Today’s youth are falling victim to the perils of social media and cell phone messaging. And most parents are WITHOUT the tools to help their kids. Are you one of them?

Introducing The Parent’s Guide to Texting, Facebook, and Social Media: Understanding the Benefits and Dangers of Parenting in a Digital World by Shawn Marie Edgington.

Buy This Book on May 17th From The Link Below and You'll Do a Good Deed:

All royalties from the May 17, 2011s sale of this book will be donated to the:

Megan Meier Foundation to protect children from cyberbullying!

Click Here on 5/17/11.

In 2006, Tina Meier’s thirteen year old daughter Megan took her own life as a result of a neighbor who set up a fake profile online pretending to be a young boy. Megan was harassed and bullied until she could see no way out of the pain.

As sad as it is, once every half hour a child commits suicide as a result of being bullied. And most parents never have any idea the severity of what’s happening.
The Parent’s Guide is the only book that gives you:

• The Fundamentals of mobile messaging, Facebook, and other media platforms

• Ten Facebook rules to live by and why social network monitoring is critical

• Information and Tools to prepare teens for the web

• Ten signs of cyber-bullying with measures to defend against cyber bullies

• Information parents need about privacy and security settings

• Ways to use “parental controls” to provide peace of mind and empower children to defend against online harassment

The Parent's Guide provides awareness, solutions and preventative resources to keep children safe and secure online.

With defensive parenting and constant communication, parents can TEACH children about the potential dangers of social networking and EMPOWER them to protect themselves from online predators. You can GUARD your child’s personal information, PRESERVE their online reputation, and learn how to determine friends from "frenemies."

Knowledge is power! Parents aware of what's happening can get involved and facilitate change.

The author, Shawn Marie Edgington, is America’s leading “Textpert” and cyber-bullying prevention expert. She’s the author of Read Between the Lines: A Humorous Guide to Texting with Simplicity and Style, the creator of the One-Click Safety Series. Shawn is on a mission to help protect our kids against the dangers that exist on the wild, wild web, and wants every parent to know that no child is immune.

Protect your children from online predators! Click the link below to learn more.

PS. Cyberbullying is a REAL threat to teens. Educate yourself about this important issue by reading The Parent’s Guide to Texting, Facebook, and Social Media today!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

25 Manners Every Kid Should Know!

My good friend and cousin Tracy (a Physical Therapist) and mother of two wonderful boys had posted a link on her facebook called “25 manners every child should know by age 9.”

I enjoyed the list.

I provide services for children (ages 7 to 12) at a residential treatment facility. The age “9” is about the average age.

Many of the children who I provide services for have a need for social skills training. I’m going to share the list of 25 manners with the children who I provide services for.

I do my best to role model all of these manners (social skills) when interacting with the children.

The Benefits for Using Manners:
Several leading experts like Daniel Goleman argue that emotional and social intelligence will be a far greater predictor of future success compared to IQ.

Anyone who has children or works with children should consider taking a look at this web-site link to read all 25 of the manners.

Here is the link:

And if you haven’t done so already, get a copy of my children’s book, “Building Character.” It teaches children 15 different character traits using pictures of cute animals.

Click here for Building Character book.