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Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A fun children's book!

Greg Luzniak recently raised funds to self-publish his first children’s picture book, Three Goats Gruff, using

I’m proud to say that I was a backer for this project. I was rewarded with a limited edition copy from the first printing (copy # 373 out of 1,000).

Three Goats Gruff is a story that I remember from my own childhood (during the mid-80s). I've always enjoyed this book.

I think Greg Luzniak is an amazing artist. I love his art in this book. I think he has done a great job at brining this classic book back to life for today's generation of kids!

Greg Luzniak studied at the Joe Kubert School of Cartooning and the Art Institute of Houston. He has illustrated comics for Marvel, DC, and Malibu Comics. He has also worked in creating art for video games.
I think his artwork is inspiring.

Watch my video book review here:

Here is the link for his blog:

Here is an amazon link:

Monday, November 28, 2011

Creatures -- the card game... is Fun!

Creatures the card game could be used as a therapeutic tool for children.

I teach social skills and leisure education to children (boy and girls) between the ages of 7 to 12.

Here are some of the benefits that “Creatures – the Card Game” could do:

  • a.) Help the child to learn new age-appropriate leisure skill (ability to play Creatures Card Game) that she (or he) can use to build social connections (i.e. make friends).

  • b.) Help the child to practice needed social skills such as: taking turns, fair play, being patient for turn, using good sportsmanship, being friendly with others.

  • c.) Allow the child to increase intellectual functioning. This game requires the child to think ahead, concentrate, and use math skills.

I’m sure that Recreational Therapists working in rehabilitation settings could teach adaptive techniques or help with fine motor skills. However, my background is in behavioral health.

Here is a link for the game:

Here is my video review:

Here is the link for the game:

P.S. If you’ve not done so already, watch the video for my kickstarter project: Monster books (fun for kids, bigger kids, and of course, adults, too. Laugh aloud.

Photo © DerBear Toy Factor/ Derric C.

Creatures -- the card game... is Fun!

Creatures the card game could be used as a therapeutic tool for children.

I teach social skills and leisure education to children (boy and girls) between the ages of 7 to 12.

Here are some of the benefits that “Creatures – the Card Game” could do:

  • a.) Help the child to learn new age-appropriate leisure skill (ability to play Creatures Card Game) that she (or he) can use to build social connections (i.e. make friends).

  • b.) Help the child to practice needed social skills such as: taking turns, fair play, being patient for turn, using good sportsmanship, being friendly with others.

  • c.) Allow the child to increase intellectual functioning. This game requires the child to think ahead, concentrate, and use math skills.

I’m sure that Recreational Therapists working in rehabilitation settings could teach adaptive techniques or help with fine motor skills. However, my background is in behavioral health.

Here is a link for the game:

Here is my video review:

Here is the link for the game:

P.S. If you’ve not done so already, watch the video for my kickstarter project: Monster books (fun for kids, bigger kids, and of course, adults, too. Laugh aloud.

Photo © DerBear Toy Factor/ Derric C.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Read Issue # 2 for FREE!

Read Issue # 2: So Many Monsters. Go to the link below. Be sure to post feedback and comments about the words for the book.

Pictures are not shown yet.
Here is the link-a-do:

Monday, November 21, 2011

Monsters by Danny Pettry.

Toy Monsters designed by Derric C. (DerBears Toy Factory)

Dear friend --

I made books during my leisure time (when I'm not working as a Rec. Therapist).

I'm currently working on 3 Monster books (That are cute and fun). These books include pictures of the toys from Derric's DerBears Toy Factory!

Would you’d pledge $12 support for the Monster books for kids!

They're going to be really-awesome and super-cute! Designed to encourage children to read.

Every dollar counts.

There are several neat rewards: like copies of the Monster books and one of the limited-edition monsters from the book that you can select.

Of course no pressure if you’re not interested.
You wouldn’t be billed until Jan. 15, 2012!

Here is the link if you’d like to pledge $12 to help:

Your friend,

Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Mind.

Dear friend,

I had the opportunity to read The Mind’s Use-Fullness Depends on the Thoughts of The User by Allan Rufus.

This is a very powerful little book on self-discovery, self-healing, motivation, and realization.

Rufus challenges the reader to change her (or his) thoughts in order to change life.
Rufus quotes the Ascended Master Kuthumi:

“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got”.

Rufus argues that only through our awareness can we change something.

This book is about a powerful philosophy. It is on Inner-Alchemy and Self-Transformation.

The book gives simply and easy-to-understand metaphors to help the reader get in touch with the meaning of her (or his) own life, to set goals, and to live a life worth living.

I’d imagine a Life Coach would recommend a person to read this book.

You’d probably enjoy this book if you like anything by: Rhonda Bryne, Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor, Joe Vitale, Robert Collier, Marci Shimoff, Jack Canfield, Deepak Chopra, and others like them.

You can get the book at this amazon link: