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Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Dogs are resilient

Wow -- dogs are resilient!

Patrick "The pit bull" was treated bad and left for dead in a garbage chute.

The dog was found near death.

The Fox News article said "his bones protruded from his fur and he had no body temperature."

The Associated Humane Societies called it one of the worest cases of cruelty they've ever seen.

Patrick was resilient. He made it through the night and was still alive on St. Patrick's Day, so he got his name, "Patrick."

I've decided to add "Resilient" in the character traits in book 2 for children. Based on my experiences, many children are already resilient. But, I think this trait should be covered in the next book to help children to "bounce back."

Monday, March 14, 2011

More coverage on my book!

My children’s book, “Building Character with Sam, Izzy, & Many Other Dogs” is going to be featured in two upcoming Magazines:

Marshall Magazine is distributed to members of the Marshall University Alumni Association and selected friends of the university, and is published two to three times yearly.

Huntington Quarterly – The magazine about Huntington, W.Va.

My book has previously been featured in:

If you've not done so already -- you can get it here: